Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
You might want to attach the Quote, email confirmation or other document to the Purchase Order. This is easy to do in the EFP CLIENT.
1. Save the document to your desktop or your desired folder.
2. From the Main Menu, go to Inventory > Purchasing > Purchase Order.
3. Expand the red chevron in the search field.
4. Enter the PO number in the PO ID field.
5. Click the green magnifying glass.
6. The PO will load.
7. Click on the Attachments tab in the lower workspace.
8. Click on the NEW button under the Attachments tab to add a line.
9. Click on the magnifying glass next to the file path.
9.1. Find your folder.
9.2. Select your file.
9.3. Click Open.
10. Once you've hit Open, the file path remains blank, but the document title populates in the Name field.
11. You can enter a description if desired.
This is a free text field.
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