Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
To determine the Past Due field on the PO header, EFP will compare the A) CUSTOMER WANT BY DATE with B) CUSTOMER PROMISED BY DATE at the PO line level (for both Part and GNS lines). If this is a multiple line PO, the system looks at all the Customer Wanted by dates and displays the earliest one in the C) Earliest Need by Date field.
All of these Dates use the Site's Time Zone, not the system's UTC time zone.
The D) PAST DUE field will show the count of Part and/or GNS Lines that have exceeded their Customer Promised Date value.
To be included in the Past Due Calculation, the line status cannot be canceled, closed, pending delete, or received full.
The Past Due field will be blank if no lines are past due.
EFP will update the PO every time it is opened.
A video on this topic can be found by clicking the following link:
How does the system calculate Past Due (as listed in the PO header)?
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