eFactoryPro Wiki

6.18 How do I cancel a line (or an entire PO) with an EDI vendor if they have already sent back an 855? (EDI Process Changes UNCHECKED)

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Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.

Any time ATS initiates a change with an EDI Vendor, the buyer MUST call to see if the PO is at a point where it can be canceled.  

There are some vendors who will process the order as soon as it is received, so they will most likely NOT allow us to cancel orders, as it is likely the PO is in the shipping process.

1. To check to see if the vendor accepts changes, go to the supplier record.  From the Main Menu, go to Inventory > Purchasing > Supplier.

2. Enter search criteria and click the green magnifying glass.

In our example we have used a wild-card (*) and then the last four digits of the supplier id.  You could also search by typing Grainger at the top or *Grainger* in the name field.

3. Results will populate below.  Choose the appropriate one.

5. If the EDI Process Changes is UN-checked, as is the case in this record, when a cancellation is entered - the system assumes that the buyer has spoken to the Vendor and confirmed the PO is OK to cancel.

In these cases, the buyer cancels the line(s), goes through the change order process to re-post the PO, and an 860 doc is sent to the EDI Vendor to confirm cancellation

6. In our example, we have a single line PO that has gone to Grainger.  

7. We can see that the 855 has been received back confirming that the vendor accepted the PO by looking at the Status and EDI workflow at both the header and line level.

8. You can also see the acknowledgment date in the header - this is the date that the 855 was received.

9. By checking the events, you will see all of the transactions that have happened via EDI and integrations with SAP.

Below is the process you will follow anytime that the vendor does not accept EDI Process Changes.

10. After calling the vendor and confirming that they agree to cancel the order, you would click the CANCEL button on the part line level.  

11. Click Save in the header or use Control S.

12. A notification message reminds you that you must confirm with the vendor.

13. The Purchase order goes to Change Order Status.

14. Change the Approval Status from Pending to Submitted. Then click Save in the header or Control S.

15. Approve the Escalation by changing it from pending to approved. Select Save.

16. Click Post.

17. The PO Header now says Canceled.

18. The EDI Workflow says Vendor Accepted.

19. Click on the Events.

20. You will see new events for the line cancel, the 860 being sent to the vendor confirming the change, and the PO is updated in SAP.

A video on this topic can be found by clicking the following link:

If the vendor has already shipped the merchandise, you will NOT be able to cancel the line at this time.  

21. The status in the header and at the line level both say Posted. (see fields highlighted in yellow.)

22. The EDI Workflow status in the header and EDI Line Status (highlighted in orange) all say shipped.

23. If the buyer does not notice and tries to cancel the lines, s/he will receive an error message upon saving.

24. Click OK to save. Refresh and do not save your changes.

Contact the help desk to have the ticket resolved.


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