Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
Anyone with the Purchasing Supervisor Role, as well as those with advanced admin rights (Admin, IT App Support, IT Ops Support) have a button that allows GNS lines that have been closed in error to be reopened.
This means that sites will no longer have to escalate the ticket to the Help Desk, as now the Purchasing Supervisor has the ability to move the line (or even the entire GNS PO) back to the Received Partial status.
1. From the main menu in the client, go to Inventory > Purchasing > PO GNS Receipt.
2. Expand the Red Chevron in the search field.
3. Enter your PO number and click the green magnifying glass.
4. The PO will load.
In this case, the SCS has hit the CLOSE LINE button before she should have. Because there is only one line on the PO, this closed both the line and the PO header.
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