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8.6 | QRG: How do I place a Repair Order for a customer in eCommerce while Masquerading?

Updated on

ATS Buyers/ IPS Sales Reps and Site Service Reps will place orders through the Masquerade function.

1. Log into buy.advancedtech.com.

2. Your dashboard will appear.

3. The number of Company accounts that you are assigned is displayed.

4. A list of those companies is displayed with the option to LOG IN as one of those companies.

5. Select Log In for the company you want to enter a Repair Order for.

6. You will see 'selected' where the LOG IN  button was previously.

7. The name of the company will be in the upper left of the screen and you can proceed as that Company.

8. Search and Select for the product you need to repair.

9. Enter a thorough problem description.

10. Press the Add to cart button.

11. From here, you can continue to shop, view or edit your cart, or checkout.

12. Click proceed to checkout.

13. The customer will default to you, NOT the company you are purchasing for. This is correct.  Once the order is placed, it will show under the Customer information.

14. Make sure the default shipping information for the customer that is populated is correct.

Most companies that you will be masquerading for will choose to charge the shipping to their own account.  This must be set up in advance.  If this option is enabled, the UPS Account number will default in the Other Comments box.

16. Select Ship on Company Account.

17. In the Other Comments box enter the UPS shipping account information if it is not present.  

18. Click Continue to Billing.

19. The billing address will default in and cannot be changed.  

20. Select Continue to Payment.

Most of these accounts will have Terms.  This allows them to pay by PO.

21. Enter the PO Number/Reference Number.

22. You must agree to the Terms and Conditions by clicking the check box.

23. As a final step, click Place Order.

24. A confirmation message comes up with the order number.

Assuming that the repair request was paid by PO and shipping was charged to the customer's account, here is what happens next:

  • The customer will get an RMA to send in the product for repair.
  • If it was a priced repair, and no changes are needed to the the price, the buyer/rep will get the repair quote and agrees to the repair cost.  
    • Once approved, the quote moves on to an order and is processed as normal.

If it was a zero-dollar quote, the process changes slightly.  The customer gets the RMA to send in the product and an evaluation is done to see how much the repair will cost.  This information is updated in the system and it is marked Evaluation Complete.

  • The Buyer/Rep is sent an email with the new price.
  • S/he emails back to confirm the new price.
  • CSR moves the Quote to an order.
  • This will cancel the zero dollar order, create a new order and all info from the zero dollar order will be transferred to the new order.


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