eFactoryPro Wiki

1.7 I have a GNS PO where the ST# on the PO header is different than the PO line. What happened?

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Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.

One thing that is very important to understand is THERE IS NEVER AN IMPLIED SAVE when you are dealing with Goods and Services Purchase Orders. If you do not follow the steps in the proper order, you could end up with a mismatch between the ST# in the header and the body of the PO.

  • You should always click SAVE in the header before moving on to create the GNS lines, as well as after any change to a GNS line.
  • If you are working with the header collapsed (F11), you can use the Control + S shortcut to Save.  
  • Get in the habit of checking the bottom right corner of the screen for the "Saved Successfully" message.

1. From the main menu, click Inventory > Purchasing > Purchase Order.

3. Enter the Supplier information.

If you do not know the Supplier number, you can search for it.

  1. Click the magnifying glass at the end of the field.
  2. Under the Name field, type an asterisk, followed by the name, ending with an asterisk.
  3. Click Search.
  4. The results load on the right.
  5. Find the appropriate supplier and highlight the line.
  6. Click OK.

4. The Ship To Place will default in the header.

5. Choose the PO Category from the drop-down.

6. Click SAVE before adding the GNS lines.

7. Click on the Goods and Services tab.

8. Click the NEW button to add a line.

9. Select the appropriate GNS ID. In our example, we are using Services.

10. All Services POs have to have a Services Category selected.  This will flow through to your reporting and better defines the type of work.

11. If the PO is for Services, a Work Order number must be entered.

You can search for a work order if none is entered.

12. Enter a quantity.  (For Services, this is always "1".)

13. Enter the Unit Cost.

14. Enter the Customer Promised Date - this is the date that the Vendor has said they will have the part or service to the site.

15. The Priority defaults to 3-Normal.  

  • Remember that the Customer Promised Date defaults to 7 days out when the Priority is 3-Normal or lower.  If you need to move it to an earlier date, you must first raise the priority to 1-Emergency or 2-Urgent.
  • Also, be sure to change the description from the very generic "SERVICES" to something that will have more meaning on your month-end reports.

16. Expand the red chevron on the Line.

17. The Ship to Place is listed here and can be changed here. SAVE if you make a change.

If you did NOT hit Save after the header entries, you could end up with the header pointing to one site, and the line level pointing to another.  TO FIX THIS, GO TO THE HEADER AND UPDATE THE SHIP TO PLACE IN THE HEADER AS WELL.  

18. Change the Ship To Place in the header.

19. Click Save.

Now the ST#s will match, and any additional lines you may add will also inherit the ST# from the header.

20. Click Post.

21. As always, you'll want to check the Events tab for a successful integration to SAP.


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