eFactoryPro Wiki

2.8 As a Technician, if I use the PRINT button from the Work Module, will I be able to see that the task was marked as "Regulatory"?

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Essential Resources: To complete this training you must have access to eFactoryPro.

This training course will take you through how to see via your printed PM is a Regulatory Task.

Of course!  Whether you print from the print button in the Work Module, the Work Order Icon or the Work Order report, all regulatory tasks are easy to spot on the printouts.  

1. From the Work Module, find the task in question.

Regulatory tasks are easy to spot because they have an orange bar next to the Task ID and a gavel by the the Status.

2. In the Task Summary, the Regulatory Type is also listed.

3. Click the Print button.

4. On the printout you will see the same layout:  Regulatory label and Icon are present above the Task ID.

5. The Regulatory type(s) are listed in the body of the printout.

Printing the Attachments (via the Print button):

6. Select the print button.

eFactoryPro - Technician - Google Chrome

7. If their are attachments on this task a list will populate first.

Select the one(s) you would like to have printed at the bottom of the task report.

8. Select Continue.

eFactoryPro - Technician - Google Chrome

9. The attachment will be displayed at the bottom of the screen under the sign off line.

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