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3.15 As a Technician, how do I see the Tasks to work on for the day - My Work Screen

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Please Note:  If you are navigating between the MY Schedule and Task List Screens, you MUST use the buttons at the Top of the Screen.  If you hit the back button in your browser or the refresh button, you could end up with a mismatch between the selected tile on top and the Task displayed on the bottom.

Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.

Once your P/S has planned the Task and scheduled it into weekly capacity, the Supervisors will use the Daily Scheduling screen to assign Technicians work for the day.

If you do not have a Supervisor or Team Lead at your site, the Planner/Scheduler or Manager will fulfill this responsibility.

They will schedule all Techs to 100% of their available capacity for the week, adjusting for Priority 1/2 Break-in Work as it arises.

When the Tech logs into the Work Management Module, the first screen they will see is the My Work screen.  This will show all tasks they have been assigned to for the day.  This document will walk through an overview of that screen.

1. Log into the Work Module.  If you have more than Technician credentials (Supervisor, Supply Chain, etc.), you will have more options in the module.

2. The My Work view will load.

3. This screen, by default, will show the Tasks for today for the Technician who is logged in.

4. To go forward or back to different days, use the arrows or simply click on the day in the calendar.

5. If you add up all the hours from the tasks scheduled for today, this Tech is scheduled for 7 hours out of his 8-hour schedule.  

This is correct according to Work Execution Management (WEM) Principles.  Technicians should be schedules to ~100% of their availability.  Completion rates will usually be lower than 100%, but that way Technicians won't have to look for work.

6. In the upper right corner, the priority of the task is listed.  If the tasks have different priorities, it is a good idea to work on the higher priority task first.

7. To load the lower panel with the Task details (needed to work on the Task), click on the tile.

8. If the task require more than one person, an additional icon is present.

9. Hover over the Info icon to see the task description  

Daily/Weekly toggle button:

10. This toggle default will be set to daily like you see above but the toggle can be switched to a WEEKLY view.

This will allow the technician to see what has been scheduled for their work week by the Planner/Scheduler. Selecting a tile from the Weekly view will work exactly the same as from the daily view shown above.

eFactoryPro - Work Module - Google Chrome

To see the additional people who are required for the Task, you must click on the Tile to load it in the lower workspace.  Please note, not all Techs may be assigned the same amount of time. For example, Cal may be assigned for 3 hours, Ryan for 1 hour and Ellen for 30 minutes.  It just depends on what each person is doing on the Task.  As this is Cal's MY WORK View, he will only see the three hours he is assigned until he looks at the Task details.

Communication is key!  If you need to work simultaneously with the additional Techs on your Task, you will need to coordinate with them at the start of your shift.

From here, you would complete the work the same as normal.  

Complete Steps, Labor Entries, Additional Notes (if needed), Parts (if used), Repair Codes (if a CM Task) and address any Malfunctions as required.  For further information on any one of those items, see here.

11. If necessary, use the plus sign to add any follow-up work.

eFactoryPro - Work Module - Google Chrome
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