eFactoryPro Wiki

6.10 Parts Screen Navigation

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Essential Resources: To complete this training you must have access to eFACTORYPRO.

This training will take you through navigating the Parts screens.

Most of the time you will be adding a part from a task.  However, you have other options if you want to start from the parts screen in the main menu.

Home Screen

This search bar will pull back info parts related to the search terms entered.

You could start out by entering an ATS Part number in the Universal Search, or a term like "belt (usually followed by an asterisk), or a MFG Part number, or any number of other options.

2. Commodity Group -

Here you can narrow your search to a specific group(s). If the user wants to filter by Commodity Group they must SELECT one. Even though the commodity tab is highlighted a group will not automatically be selected.

3. See More -

This will pull up a separate window that will allow the user to see more commodity group selections.

4. Recently Used -

This will display (up to) the last 15 parts that were used. 5-6 will be displayed, and users can use the arrows to see more of the recently used parts (circled in red).

What users will see here is dependent on what is selected:

  • At the home screen users will see up to the last 15 parts consumed at that site.
  • If a Commodity Group is selected the users will see up to the last 15 that were consumed in that specific group.
  • If in the Equipment tab and a piece of equipment is selected you will see up to the last 15 parts consumed and on the BOM.

Click anywhere within the tile to load.

Parts List Screen Navigation

Users may see a couple different results depending of how they searched the Parts home search.

When using the universal search bar:

1. Search -

First lets take a look at what populates when searching for MOTOR in the top or universal search bar by itself (not using Equipment or a Commodity Group).

2. Select a Task -

Selecting the pencil icon will allow the user to select a specific task to add a Part Need.

Selecting one of these toggle will dictate the perimeter of your search.

Entering info into this filter will expand your search for parts attached to specific pieces of equipment (according to their BOMs).

These will allow you to narrow your search.

6. Search Terms entered -

This will display the search term(s) that are being used. This section will narrow as you filter your search also.

7. Search Bar -

This will allow the user to further narrow their search. Using this search bar will only search with in the results that are currently populated and displayed. (i.e. if you have 40 results for 'motor' and then you enter another term is this search bar it will search the new term with in the 40 lines that were returned initially).

This is where the parts results will be displayed upon any search.

9. R icon -

This icon indicates that the part is a repairable part.

eFactoryPro - Work Module - Google Chrome

10. Eye Icon -

This icon indicates that the part is a replacement part.

eFactoryPro - Work Module - Google Chrome

11. Filter expansion -

The icon to the right of the filter name will expand the section to see your options under that filter.

Part Selection Screen

1. Back button -

This small Back button will take you back to the Parts List screen.

2. In Stock/Not In Stock -

This icon will tell users immediately if the part is available or not.

3. Selected Part Information -

This is the info for the part that was chosen in the previous screen.

4. Available -

This will let the users know how many of the specific part that is currently available.

5. Quantity -

This is where users will enter the desired quantity.

6. Estimated Lead Time -

This will show the estimated lead time for the selected part.

7. Add To Task -

After the quantity is entered the user will be able to add the part need to a task.

8. Similar Parts -

Similar part will be displayed at the bottom of this screen.

Users can print this screen by selecting this icon.

10. Bin Information -

This is where the part can be found.

Adding the Part Need to a Task

Once the Add To Task button is selected a pop up will appear for you to search and select the task.

The default view will be My Open Tasks but the user will be able to choose from All Open Tasks and Today's Schedule.

1. You can also click on the funnel icon to bring up the filters.

2. Then select the Add button.

eFactoryPro - Technician - Google Chrome
Part Need Summary

The task is now displayed.

1. Selected Part -

Here is where the selected part info will be displayed.

2. Description -

The part description will be displayed here.

3. As Selected -

This tile will be showing the Lead Time based only on the selection that the user made on the previous screen. The site's default receiving location will be shown.

4. Faster Lead Times -

This tile will show the fastest lead time that is possible with a different combination of similar/comparable part.

5. Custom -

 This tile gives you the ability to select from different locations and/or similar/comparable parts.

6. Part Information.

Included in this line: Name (description), Location, ATS PART ID, EST LEAD TIME, EST DELIVERY, ON HAND, ALLOCATED, AVAILABILITY, QTY (Requested)

7. Part Need Summary

Included in the summary: EST DELIVERY DATE, PARTS, LOCATION, TOTAL REQUESTED, PRIORITY (adjustable), Need By Date (adjustable), NOTES (optional).

Hover over this to see the Bin, Location, and number on hand on the initial part screen search.

9. Create Need -

This will create the Part Need is the task we selected above.

Confirmation Screen

1. Part Need Created -

User will see this screen as a confirmation of the part need being created.

2. Est Delivery Date -

This will display the final estimated delivery date of the part.

3. Parts -

This will display the Part ID, description, location its coming from and the total quantity added.

4. Request Details -

Will show the final choices in Priority, Need By Date, if it is an Emergency Request and any Notes that have been added.

5. View Task -

This will take you back to the Technician Portal to the task chosen above.

6. + Part Need -

This will be used to add another part need to this selected task.

Notice that the Equipment and previous search is already populated.

Previous Article 6.9 What do the tiles mean on the Selected Part screen (As Selected, Faster Lead Time, Custom)?
Next Article 6.11 As a Technician, how do I consume a part in the Work Module?