eFactoryPro Wiki

6.11 As a Technician, how do I consume a part in the Work Module?

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Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.

After parts have been added to the task and arrived on site, it is time for the Tech to consume them as they complete the task.

1. Find the task in question.  In our case, we are working from the My Work view and looking at the Tech's Schedule for the day. Click on the Tile to load the task in the lower panel.

2. Click on the Parts icon to see the status of the parts that have been added to the task.

3. We have three part needs -- you can see that both on the part needs on the Left and in the badge on the icon.

4. If you look at the Quantity Allocated vs. the Quantity that was requested, you can see that all three of the lines have enough stock to be consumed.

5. To check to see which bin the items are in, click on the three dot button and select View Bin Information.

6. You can see which bin has the Quantity on Hand and the Quantity Allocated.

7. Click Dismiss to close the window.

Once you have put the parts on the machine, you will want to consume the part need.

8. For each line, click on the the three dot button again and choose the Consume Part Need.

9. A popup box comes up.  It will assume you are consuming the full amount that you have requested.  To proceed, simply click SAVE.

10. A message tells you that the task has been updated successfully.

If, for some reason, you find you do NOT need the entire amount that you originally requested, you must first edit the quantity before consuming it.  Otherwise, your inventory will not be accurate.

If you find that you do not need the part at all, simply cancel the part need.  This option can be found at the bottom of the menu options.

Example:  In this case, you said you needed three and you found you only needed 2.  You would proceed as follows:  

  • Edit the quantity on the line from 3 to 2.
  • Consume the 2 on the Task.
  • Alert your Supply Chain Specialist that you did not use all that was requested because s/he may want to transfer the item to another bin in your CRIB.

11. Continue on until all parts needs are either used or canceled.  In our example, we did not need the final part so we canceled it off the task.  

12. After choosing Cancel Part Need, you will receive a confirmation message.  Click Yes to continue.

Please note that Canceled Part Needs do not show up in the Task History, so you will want to be certain that you do not need the product before canceling it.

If you are canceling the part need early in the process, and the part is still on order, your SCS should try to reach out to your buyer to see if the order can be canceled.  

13. Once all the parts have been consumed the Part Needs will be blank and you'll see quantity next to the Parts Used Button.  Click that.

14. Here you will find the two parts that have been consumed on this task.

15. Assuming all the other requirements have been met, you can complete the Task.  

16. Assuming there is only one Task to the Work Order, the WO will complete as well.

17. The Tile in the My Schedule section will be updated as well.  EFP will also move the tile to the end of your list, so that you can work on the next items.

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