eFactoryPro Wiki

3.10 As a Technician, how do I use the filters when looking for work in the Work Module?

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Essential Resources: To complete this training you must have access to eFactoryPro.

This training will take you through how to use the filters when looking for work in the Work Module.

Using filters will be the best way to create a very specific list of tasks/work orders or to find specific types of work.

Upon entering the Work Management Module, the default view is "My Work," displaying the tasks assigned for the day. Tasks, except for Priority One break-in tasks, will have undergone the Planning and weekly scheduling processes. Clicking on a Task Tile in the upper section reveals the task details in the lower panel.

1. Clicking on the Task button will take you to a number of different views for the Technician.

By default, you will see All Open Tasks, but a number of other options are available from the drop-down.

2. Each column will have a couple of options for filtering.

The ascending/descending arrows are a different type of filter to the left of the three-line icon.

3. The horizontal 3 line icon will give you options on how to set up the column as it relates to the grid.

4. The vertical 3 line icon will give you option to pick and choose which columns the user will see in the grid view.

5. For all other filtering options there is the Table Filters button.

Available filtering options will be:

Available filtering options will be:

  • Task ID
  • Safety
  • Status
  • Status Reason
  • Asset ID
  • Asset Description
  • Malf. Type
  • Operating Status
  • Created
  • Planned Start
  • Compliance Start
  • Compliance Finish
  • Description
  • WO Type
  • Task Type
  • Priority
  • Team
  • Technician
  • Sub-Location
  • Building Location
  • Regulatory
  • Cost Center

6. Preset - at the top of the Table Filters window there will be a drop down to select which preset view the user would like to filter down.

eFactoryPro - Work Module - Google Chrome

7. Depending on what is contained in the column each one will have one of the following filtering formats to choose from in their drop down option:

Greater Than, Less Than, Equals, Equal Any:

This option enables users to search for numbers using one of three modifiers. The "Equal Any" modifier allows users to enter multiple work order or task entries, with all numbers separated by a pipe symbol (above the Enter key) or a comma.

eFactoryPro - Work Module - Google Chrome
Check Boxes:

This option will allow the user to select and/or deselect options for that column.

eFactoryPro - Work Module - Google Chrome
For columns dealing specifically with dates users will have an Offset/Date filters to use:

You can select one or more dates using the default option or specify exact dates. Dates can be entered using the offset option (e.g., -1 for yesterday, +0 for today, +1 for tomorrow) or by choosing a specific date.

eFactoryPro - Work Module - Google Chrome

8. Apply will apply all the filters chosen and display a more specific grid.

9. Cancel will leave the Table Filters.

10. Clear will clear out all previous selections to let the use start filtering from the beginning.

eFactoryPro - Work Module - Google Chrome
Previous Article 3.9 Technician: Task and Work Order views in the Work Module
Next Article 3.11 As a Technician, how do I find work in the Work Module? (Task Views)