Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
Task Views in the Work Module:
Use the funnel to filter, the search box to narrow the criteria, and arrows to sort ascending/descending.
1. ALL OPEN TASKS - All Tasks that are in an open status.
2. ALL CARRYOVER TASKS - All tasks that have a status of Carryover.
3. TODAY'S SCHEDULE - Tasks on the schedule for the current day.
4. DOWN AND REDUCED - All Tasks with a Down or Reduced current operating status.
5. RECENT CUSTOMER TASKS - Tasks put in by anyone in the last 24 hours.
6. OPEN SAFETY ASKS - All tasks that are open and marked with the subtype of safety.
7. OPEN TASKS WMAT - All tasks that are open and marked with the sub-type of waiting on materials.
8. ALL OPEN PMs - All PMs that have an open status.
9. LOW PRIORITY - all tasks marked with a LOW priority.
10. REVIEWED TASKS - All Tasks that have a status of reviewed.
11. ALL TASKS - All Tasks for that site.
12. CUSTOM - Once a filter had been added to a Task view, it will change the name of the view to Custom.
Slider Icons at the Task Level -
1. SUMMARY- All info for the Task.
Skill Sets - this will populate under the Summary at the Task and Work Order. This section will show the assigned skillset, the duration assign to the task, and the assigned technician.
2. STEPS - Every Task will have steps. You must complete all steps before you can complete the Task.
Every task will have at least one step (the Pre-Task Analysis).
2.1. Most of the times the Steps are required, but occasionally, a step can be optional. When the "Required" column says "No" for a specific step, the step will be optional and the Tech will be able to complete the Task with or without that Step being marked complete.
3. LABOR - The stopwatch is the Labor icon. You can add time for yourself, another Technician or multiple Techs.
3.1. Select the Labor Icon.
3.3. Enter line code (this will usually be left at LABOR).
3.4. Enter Technician (will default to user entering labor line).
Multiple technicians can also be chosen. Each Tech will receive their own line.
3.5. Enter a Start Date and Time.
3.6. Enter an End Date and Time (labor entries can not exceed 12 hours in duration).
3.7. Enter the labor description in Comments.
This information will automatically be populated into the NOTES also.
3.8. Select of the Labor entry is billable.
3.9. Select SAVE.
4. NOTES - There is no need to enter Notes. They will populate when you enter notes from the LABOR entry, from the Additional Information box at the creation of the Work Order, and if you enter an Emergency PO in Parts.
4.1. To manually add a note Select +ADD NOTE.
4.2. Select Line Code (select drop-down arrow for more options).
4.3. Enter Note.
4.4. Select SAVE.
In the Portal, the Parts icon will be broken down into two sections: Part Needs and Parts Used. Part Needs will be parts that are not yet consumed (not in stock, waiting on a New Part request, etc.). Parts Used will be parts that have been received and installed by the Technician. A Task will not be able to be completed with parts in the Part Needs section. All parts will need to be consumed before that Task can be marked as completed.
For information on PARTS, please refer to the training documents: Parts Screen Navigation and As a Technician how do I add a part to a task?
6. REPAIR - These codes are required on all Corrective Maintenance Tasks. MRCT Work Orders cannot be completed until repair codes have been entered.
6.1. Select +ADD REPAIR CODE.
6.2. Select Object.
6.3. Select Symptom.
6.4. Select Problem.
6.5. Select Resolution.
6.6. Enter Note (optional).
7. Meters - Usually only required on certain PMs. The Meters icon will ONLY be visible when the equipment requires readings. There will also be a red line indicting a reading is needed.
7.1. Click on the Meter Icon.
7.3. Select meter.
7.4. Enter value.
7.5. Select either Initial Reading or Actual Reading based on the circumstances.
7.6. Enter date/time (default will be the current time).
7.7. Enter comments (optional).
7.9. The new Reading will populate under METER READINGS. Users will have the option to delete the last meter reading by using DELETE under actions.
7.10. By selecting the 3 dot icon the user can delete the meter reading (the latest one ONLY) or can see the Meter Information by selecting that icon.
8. ATTACHMENTS - May be added by selecting the Paperclip icon.
Attachments are for images and small files. Large files like manuals, etc. should be stored in the Knowledge Base. This is also a place to upload links that might be helpful for the task.
8.1. Select the Attachments icon.
8.2. Select +ADD ATTACHMENT.
8.3. Select Chose file.
8.4. Enter a description.
8.5. Select SAVE.
8.6. Attachment will be uploaded to the task.
8.7. The attachment is now available to others to download to their computer (by selecting the paperclip).
8.8. Attachment can also be deleted or edited through the 3-line icon by the person who uploaded or a Supervisor.
Adding a Hyperlink
Attaching a Link - users will be able to attach links to the tasks under the Attachment icon also.
8.9. Select the Links button on the left.
8.11. Enter a title for the link.
8.12. Enter the URL.
8.13. Select Save.
![eFactoryPro - Work Module - Google Chrome](
9. Malfunction - The Task that took the machine down SHOULD be the one that takes it back up. In eFACTORYPRO, downtime is tracked at the Task level.
Before entering a Malfunction on a machine, you should check the Overlapping Malfunction Information.
If the machine is already in a Down or Reduced state, there is no need to enter another Malfunction Start against it. Simply talk to the Tech who is working on the machine.
Always check the Overlapping Malfunction Information before adding a Malfunction to the Task.
9.1. To Edit or Stop a Malfunction that was entered when the Task was created, select the Malfunction icon on the Task lower panel.
9.2. Select the three-line icon under ACTIONS.
9.3. Select Edit.
9.4. Select the drop-down arrow to enter a Stop Time.
9.5. Select a day/time and select Set.
If the Machine was Up/Reduced at Task creation but needs to be taken Down during the work process, follow these steps:
If the Work Order was put in with the equipment as “Up” or “Reduced” and you have to take it down to do part of your work, you will have to enter the Malfunction information in stages.
9.8. Go into the Malfunction icon and click +ADD MALFUNCTION.
9.9. Select a Malfunction type.
9.10. Select a Malfunction Start Time.
9.11. Select SAVE.
If the user creates a malfunction with the same status, a confirmation dialog box will be presented to the user stating "An overlap has been detected with another malfunction".
9.13. To bring the status back UP, select Edit from the three-line icon.
9.14. Enter a Malfunction Stop Time.
9.15. Select SAVE.
To remove a Malfunction that was created in error, follow these steps:
9.18. A message will ask you to confirm the Delete. Click yes.
9.19. A pop-up confirming successful deletion will appear in the upper right corner.
10. Events
10.1. Here users will see the full task details (both in Tech and Supervisor Portals). Events will be sorted from oldest to newest by default. Users will also be able to sort and search through all the results under this icon.
User will be able to:
- display all events for the work order from client on the Work Order in the Portal, mixed in with the rolled-up task events - and all sorted from Oldest to Newest
- sort and search the results.
- search across all columns and allow users to find specific data or event types.
- select whether they see all events (work order and task mixed together) or just the work order events.
- add actual Work Order Events from Client to the events tab under work order in the tech portal.
Users will NOT be able sort by date at this time.
11. Print Task
This will make it possible to print a Task from the report viewer.
11.3. Right click anywhere on the document to print the task.