eFactoryPro Wiki

3.3 Technicians: Basic Work Module Navigation

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Work Module Home Screens

Essential Resources: To complete this training you must have access to eFACTORYPRO.

This training will take you through navigating the basic of the Work Module.

My Work:

Upon logging into the Work Management Module this will be the default screen. The My Work screen will display tasks that have been assigned to the person that is logged in for that day. Once a task is selected in the upper panel it will display in the lower panel. From here the tech will address the task as they normally would. There is also a toggle to see the techs work for the entire week.

Menu Bar List:

1. eFACTORYPRO logo is a home button.  

Also note the EFP version is displayed here.

3. Tasks - here is where you’ll perform the majority of your work.

Default is My Open Tasks. The other options include:

  • All Carryover Tasks
  • Today's Schedule
  • Down and Reduced
  • Recent Customer Tasks
  • Open Safety Tasks
  • All Open PMs
  • Low Priority
  • Reviewed Tasks
  • All Tasks
  • Custom (if a filter is applied to a view it will default to Custom).

4. Work Order - shows you the same information but at the higher, Work Order level.

The default view will be Open Work Orders but will also have views that include:

  • Closed Work Orders
  • All Work Orders
  • Custom.

5. Parts - this button will allow the user to find a part need first, then add it to a specific task.

6. Labor - This will display all Labor entries for the current calendar month for the user that is logged in.

7. Equipment - this button will allow users to search/filter for a piece of equipment first and then make a work order off of that selection.

In this view you will be able to view:

  • Asset ID
  • Manufacturer
  • Asset Description
  • Internal Description
  • Serial #
  • Building Location
  • Sub-Location
  • Operating Status,
  • Equipment Criticality.

By selecting a specific equipment line the user will see the Summary, how many work orders, how many tasks, and how many attachments are associated with that piece of equipment.

8. Review - this will only be visible to users with Supervisor credentials.

Here all completed tasks or canceled tasks can be reviewed.

9. Planner/Scheduler - if you have to role this is where you can access the Planner Portal for all planning and scheduling of work.

10. Status Monitor - this shows a visual display of all machines in the site.

11. Supply Chain - if you have this role this is where you can access the Supply Chain portal.

12. Control Center - if you have access this is where users can set up event monitors, add skill sets to techs, add scheduling periods, create work schedules, create production schedules, configure sub-locations, and manage teams.

14. Table Filters - here users can choose any combination of 20 filters to narrow the lower grids search results.

15. Filter Bread Crumbs - here all the filters selected will appear.

16. Location - This will tell the user which location they are signed into as their default site.

With the drop-down arrow, the user can change their default site (if the user has credentials for multiple sites).

17. User Voice - here users can put in suggestions for improvement for EFP.

18. User Information - This will tell which user is logged in.  

The drop-down menu will also give you the option to log out of the Work Module.

19. +Work Order - this button will be available in the Task and Work Order views.

This is how you can kick off the work order creation process.

20. The Download/Export button allows you to have an excel copy of the grid.

21. 3 dot icon - This will give the user the options to Autosize All Columns and to Reset All Columns

22. Grid Views - this will tell the user what grid view is being displayed.

Icons and Buttons

Once you get to the Tasks screen, there are more options.  Click on an icon to go directly to that screen to input information.  You do NOT have to navigate through the icons in order.

23. Task ID/IFS ID - task number will be listed here, as well as the IFS ID (to help find a task in the Client).

IFS ID - may not be visible to all viewers.

24. Print Task button - Prints the task.

25. Summary - Will give all the information that was put into the Work Order upon creation.

26. Steps - All steps required to complete the Task no matter the Task type.

27. Labor - Information entered about the Labor performed by a Tech or Techs. This info is required for every Task.

28. Notes - Information entered about the Task. Information input from other areas will also automatically populate in the Notes (i.e. Labor notes, additional info from the Work Order creation, Emergency PO). Notes will be required for every task.

29. Expenses - this is where EFS employees can insert expenses.

This will only be visible to EFS workers.

30. Parts - Part Needs, Staged Parts, and Parts Used will be documented under this icon.

Parts must be consumed in order to complete a Task.

31. Repair - This is where Repair Codes will be entered.

Repair Codes are only required for MRCT Work Orders.

32. Meters - This is where a meter reading will be entered.

This icon will ONLY be seen if a meter reading is required.

33. Malfunction - This is where Down or Reduced time will be recorded.

This will be required if Down/Reduced time was necessary.

34. Attachments - This is where a user can upload attachments and/or links necessary to the Task.

It will also make it available for downloading to other users.

35. Events - this will show WO events associated to this task.

eFactoryPro - Work Module - Google Chrome

38. + button - This is the Add Task button to add a follow-up task to the Work Order.

eFactoryPro - Work Module - Google Chrome

39. Expand - This button will expand the lower panel all the way up to the top of the screen (upper panel will disappear).

40. Cancel Task - This button will allow the user to cancel a task as long as no work has been done on the task.

41. Complete Task - This button will allow the user to mark the Task complete once all the information in the icons has been entered.

eFactoryPro - Work Module - Google Chrome
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