eFactoryPro Wiki

1.6 How are the FMS Metrics Reports laid out if you are accessing data through the Shared with Me menu?

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Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.

Reports in Power BI all follow a certain format.  Once you understand that format, you can easily apply the basic concepts from one report to the next.

1. From the home page, go to shared with me.

Dashboards are often used when your customer wants to see a different equipment combination, etc.

2. Enter your site number in the search field.

3. Choose the FMS Metrics Reports.

4. You will be taken to the home page of the reporting options.  In this layout, we have combined all the reports by date range:  Instead of having a different report for Monthly Critical 1 vs. Monthly Overall, you will find them all under the Monthly heading.

4.1. Click the top left panel to enter the Monthly Reports.

4.2. The top center panel houses all versions of the Weekly Reports.

4.3. In the top right corner you'll find the link to the Daily Reports.

4.4. Bottom left will give you the Current Month Reports.

4.6. Bottom right is the details about your Follow UP tasks on PM/PdM Tasks.

4.7. If you prefer to look at the report by the metric vs the date range, click on the Index by Metrics button in the lower right corner of the screen.

5. Another thing that is important to understand is the Date Ranges associated with each Report.  Click on the down arrow to see all the detail.

  • The first thing to remember is that Power BI is always one day behind.  
  • If you make an adjustment to the data in EFP, it will not show up until the next day, when Power BI updates overnight.
  • Many of the EFP Reports have been move to the Power BI server so they are also pulling from a snapshot of time - usually the same time as the Power BI servers were updated overnight.
  • There may be options to look at the data via an export from the portal, etc.

5.1. The Current month report is designed to show only the current month's data (up to yesterday.)  If you are looking at the metrics on the 24th of the month, you will see data from the 1st through the 23rd.  If, however, you are looking at data on the 2nd of the month, you will only see data from the 1st.

  • The current month report is originally shown as a singular bar for the month.
  • By clicking the arrows at the top of the graphic, you can see a more detailed view.  
  • This is called cross filtering and drill down and holds true for all reports.

5.2. Daily looks at yesterday, plus a rolling 31 day offset.  

Again, if you wanted to look at just yesterday's data, you would click on the last bar, and the cross filter applies to the equipment chart.

5.3. Monthly looks at the last full month.  It does not contain any of the current month.  The date range includes last month plus a rolling 12 months in the past.

The Monthly reports are the ones that are pre-filtered to give you numerous options for equipment group, criticality and more.  

5.4. The WEEKLY report will show the entire last current week, plus an additional 12 previous weeks of data.  

Weeks for ATS metrics begin on a Sunday  and end on a Saturday.

6. Once you are in the home page, you can click on the report date range to see all of the reports available.  In this case we are looking at Monthly Critical 1.

7. Click on the tile with the report you want to view.

8. That page will load.

8.1. On the left you will see 13 months of results by date.

8.2. On the right, there is a breakdown by machine.  6 months of data is shown.

8.3. Bottom right shows the card, with last month's results.

9. If you hover next to the title in any tile, you will see a number of icons that will give you additional options.

  • The UP ARROW is used when you have drilled down into a chart and you want to move back to the higher level
  • The DOWN ARROW is used to turn on the drill down capability.
  • The DOUBLE DOWN ARROW goes to the next level down in the hierarchy
  • The JOINED DOUBLE DOWN ARROW is a very useful tool.  It will expand ALL the related data down one level in the hierarchy.  For example, by using the joined double arrow icon, you will be able to see both the work order and the equipment in your results.
  • The PUSH PIN is used to pin a chart to the dashboard.  This is functionality you will not use if you are working from a consumer license.
  • The PAPERS icon allows you to copy the visual (or chart) as an image.
  • Hover over the FUNNEL icon and you will see the filters and slicers that are driving the results on this chart.
  • The CHART icon takes you to focus mode.  From here, you will see a more in-depth breakdown of the data, which you can export to PowerPoint, .PDF or Excel
  • Anytime you see a THREE DOTS icon it is letting you know that more information is available.  In this case, there are a variety of options available as seen by the screenshot below.

10. The filter panel is set up on the right.

If you modify a filter, it changes just for you.

The report may open with the filter saved the way you had it the last time you were in that report.  

11. To return the report to it's original status, click the reset to default icon.

12. The bookmark icon will allow you another navigation option for this workspace.  

You should not change any bookmarks or your navigation will not work properly.

13. The Viewing Icon is next.  Options include full screen, fit to page, fit to width, actual side, and high contrast color options.

14. The Refresh icon will update data.

15. As we have previously mentioned, the Star is for adding to Favorites, but this functionality does NOT work with Reports that are navigated by bookmarks.

Depending on where you are in the reporting, you will see different icons in the upper left hand corner of the reports.

In the screenshot below, we are in the Proactive charts for the Monthly Reports, all criticalities.   There will be two navigational arrows when you are at the chart level pages.

16. If you just want to return to the list reports available in Monthly, all criticalities, click the single arrow in the circle.

An example of when you would use this is if you wanted to see the Monthly chart for MTBF.

17. If you want to see the options that are available in Monthly reports, you would click the curved arrow.

An example of when you would want to do this is when you want to change to Monthly Critical 01 Charts.

18. Anytime you see the Home button, it will take you back to the FMS Metrics Reports Home Page.


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