Create a Version Table in Power Query where you can keep track of version changes.
1. Open the PBIX file.
3. Enter the Table Name as: Version_UpdateInSourceStep.
4. Double click on Column 1 header to update its name to Version Number.
5. Click the + sign to add a second column and change its name to Version Publish Date.
6. Click the + sign to add a third column and change its name to Version Note.
7. Enter data into row 1 for Version Number, Version Publish Date, and Version Note.
8. Click Load.
9. Verify Columns types as follows: Version Number is number, Version Publish Date is date, and Version Note is text.
10. Click the Add Column tab, then click the Custom Column button.
11. Enter New Column Name: Report Version.
12. Enter the following code for Custom column formula:
if Date.From(List.Max(#"Changed Type"[Version Publish Date])) = [Version Publish Date] then "v"& Number.ToText([Version Number]) else null
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