Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
When working with the Supporting Apps, it is important that Power BI is filtered appropriately. This is easy to confirm.
2. If the menu is collapsed, click on the three lines under the app waffle to expand the navigation pane.
3. Click on Apps from the menu.
4. The three apps for your supporting metrics are present as you have loaded them previously: Cost Savings, Safety, and Voice of Customer.
The Customer Cost Savings App is no longer used.
In this example we will assume that you are needing to set the filter for a single site: Site 488.
5. On the right hand side is a navigation panel.
7. On the far right side, there is a filters panel.
8. Enter the Site number in the Site Name field.
You can build up the filters in Area, Region etc. from there. Or, if you prefer, you can Start from top down if you have access and want to see the entire region or area.
9. In this case, there was not data yet for the year 2021, so we clicked the "Click Here for Last Year's Results" button.
10. The report populated on the left hand side of the graphic.
11. If we wanted to see the entire Littlefield are, you could simply click the eraser next to the site number.
Please note, there are area charts available for the Operations Staff as well.
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