eFactoryPro Wiki

4.3 How do I add a site-specific goal for an individual Sublocation and get it to display on my Power BI charts?

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Steps in the screen shots correspond to the numbers in the headings.

Please direct all Power BI Questions, Issues or Requests to FMS System Support.  [email protected].

Some sites have certain sublocations that are the key focus of the customer.  These sublocations may have stricter goals than the rest of the plant, due to their impact to production.  In these cases, the customer may ask that you include reporting on the sublocation in your monthly Metrics Deck. There are two steps to creating this view:  A: You must ask the FMS System Support team to create a page in Power BI filtered to show just that specific Sublocation and B: You must input the  Goal Setting Utility to have the trend line show up on your chart.

A:  Please contact FMSSystemSupport to have the sublocation page(s) created.

The FMS METRICS REPORTS work off bookmarks and it is very easy to cause problems with the navigation if you do these incorrectly.

The team will either show you how to do it, or will create the pages for you.

B: Enter your site specific goal in the Goal Utility sheet.

In order to access the Goal Setting Utility, you must be on an ATS asset.  You must also be either on the ATS Network or VPN'd in.

1. Access the Goal Setting Utility spreadsheet from saved downloaded location.

2. Click Enable Content in the header.

4. If you need further information, you can click on the Goal Setting Utility Instructions.

6. Click on the Sublocation name to load the goal.

If filtering by multiple Sublocations, the site must enter only a goal for one of the Sublocations selected.

7. Choose the chart that the goal applies to and enter all applicable information.

  • Start Date: (can be up to one year in the past starting with the first day of the month up to two years in the future)
  • End Date:   (can be up to one year in the past starting with the last day of the month up to two years in the future)
  • Start Goal: (Entered as a percentage or a dollar value depending on the goal being entered.)
  • End Goal  (If you've entered a date range and you enter a goal range, the Goal Line will progress incrementally over that date range.)

As soon as you enter information on any part of the goal line, the remaining required fields are highlighted in red.  

The "Has Changed" column automatically changes to TRUE and is highlighted in Yellow.  It will remain this way until you click save.  If you decide you do not want to make this edit, you can either click the HAS Changed back to "False" or choose Delete.

8. Click SAVE  in the spreadsheet to apply the goal.  This syncs the information that you have just entered in the cloud.

You must hit the SAVE in the spreadsheet at this point.  You cannot just hit CTRL +S -- It must be the Save hyperlink in the spreadsheet.

9. A confirmation message tells you that the goals have been successfully entered, and the Updated by and Updated On Columns are filled in.

The non-ratio based measures  failure count and backlog hours are by default a monthly goal. If any other period goal is needed that will need to be a different goal recipe

10. The Goal Line will show up on your Power BI chart once the Power BI server processes overnight.  

If you have any problems, issues or questions, please email [email protected].


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