Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
The FMS Operating System can be accessed alone, or through the the Business Intelligence & Reporting Portal App. If you receive a message saying you don't have access, simply submit for access by requesting it in the app.
1. Log into Power BI.
2. Go to Apps from the Menu.
4. Click on Organizational Apps.
5. In the upper right corner, type in FMS and click the magnifying glass to load.
Any FMS apps that you have not previously loaded will be shown.
6. Find the FMS OS App and click on the Get It Now hyperlink.
8. Once installed, the App opens. If you only have access to one site, that site's information will populate.
If, however, you have access to multiple sites, you can change the site by adjusting the option under the site name.
10. For a more in depth breakdown of your site's performance, click on the Maturity Dashboard icon.
To return to the home page of the app, click on the arrow in the upper left of the screen.
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