eFactoryPro Wiki

8.9 Is there a report in Power BI that will show me my canceled PMs?

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It is always a good idea to stay on top of your data!!!  If you update data older than 4 months, you will not see the changes until the following Monday.  (It refreshes Sunday overnight.)  If your data is older than 13 months, it may not be worth updating.  The changes will not show up until the second day of the next month.

Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.

Because canceled tasks do not usually affect your metrics, it makes sense that they do not get transferred over to the background data in the DW Tables.  However, in the case of PMs, canceled PM DO affect your Compliance and Completion metrics.  If you simply cancel the PM/PdM, it is just as if you didn't do it.

MPRO Work Orders that are actually duplicates should be canceled with a sub-status of DUPLICATE. In that case, they will not affect your metrics.

The FMS System Support Team has created a Report that can be shared with you that will allow you to see the MPRO Tasks that have been canceled within a given date range.

To request a copy of this report, please email mailto:[email protected].

You will most likely receive an email telling you that the report has been shared with you.  

1. Go to the "Shared with me" prompt from the left-hand menu in Power BI.

Depending on whether anyone else has ever shared anything with you, you may see just one person (Jessica Perez) or you may see multiple people.  

2. Click on Jessica Perez.  If you can't find it there, click on "All Shared.

If you would like to mark this report as one of your favorites, simply click on the star at the beginning of the report name.  

3. If you have starred the report, it will show in your Favorites.

4. Click on the Canceled/Duplicate Report.  

5. The Report Loads. The first tab that loads is Cancel/Duplicate.

6. Notice that the Edit Report button is grayed out.  Although you cannot edit this report as you can with other Power Bi Apps/Reports, the slider icons on the side give you the ability to manipulate the data.

7. The first filter is Site.  As with all Power BI reports and apps, you can only access sites that you have permissions to view.

To change the site, click on the eraser and enter the three digit site number in the search field.  Click that checkbox to choose the site from the drop down list.

8. The PM Completion Window End Date has an incredibly wide Range. (11/30/2015 - 1/31/2030)  You can narrow it if you want to by sliding the endpoints towards the middle, or by typing into the text boxes with the date.

In our example, we have modified the PM Completion window to show just the month of July, 2019.

9. As we modified the PM Completion Window, we would want to leave the Task Creation Date wide Open.  Most of the time you would be constraining one (the Completion window) or the other (the Task Creation Date widow.)  If you do both, you may miss out on some data.

Another option would be to modify the Task Creation Date and leave the PM Completion Dates wide option.  It really depends on how you want to see the data.

10. The Work Order Status should be Canceled. Other options include Closed and Open.

Remember, this is WORK ORDER status, NOT Task Status.  In this case, you might see a Work Order that is Open with a Task that is Completed.  Why? - Most likely there is a followup task (FM) still open on the Work Order.

11. For Work Order Sub Status, there are two options:  Blank and Duplicate.  

Remember, Blank means they WILL count against your Compliance/Completion metrics.  Cancel/Duplicate don't count against you.

12. The Task Type is MPRO.

13. The Task Status available is Canceled.

14. Let's look at what this report looks like with the sliders applied.

This is everything for the month of July that was Canceled and counts against your metrics.  In these cases, no sub-status was applied.

15. Click on the three lines in the upper right corner.

16. Choose Export Data.

17. A pop-up box appears.  Choose Summarized Data.

18. Click Export.

19. The document downloads for you to investigate further if necessary.

20. You can see by changing sub-status to duplicate, you get a different number.


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