eFactoryPro Wiki

8.8 -What is the difference between Canceling a PM with the Sub-Status "duplicate" and just Canceling the PM?

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It is always a good idea to stay on top of your data!!!  If you update data older than 4 months, you will not see the changes until the following Monday.  (It refreshes Sunday overnight.)  If your data is older than 13 months, it may not be worth updating.  The changes will not show up until the second day of the next month.

Things to keep in mind before you start:

  1. While it is possible to cancel a PM through the Portal, it should only be the Planner/Scheduler performing this function -- Technicians do NOT have access to cancel a WO/Task in the Client.
  2. The canceled PM WILL regenerate unless the you move the schedule due date, and change the Frequency to something other than what it is, SAVE, and change it back.
  3. Therefore, the vast majority of the time, it is actually easier to cancel in the CLIENT.  

We have included the steps to cancel in the portal to show you all options available to you.

The difference between when you use a sub-status of "duplicate" or not has to do with WHY you are canceling.  Marking the PM as "duplicate" means it will NOT count against you in your Compliance/Completion metrics.  You should only use this sub-status when the Task you are canceling is ACTUALLY a duplicate.

A true duplicate will have the same Task Template Name and Steps, Compliance Window, and Equipment, even though the Work Order and Task ID will be different.

To Cancel in the Portal

1. From the Navigation Pane in the Work Module click on Work and select Tasks.

2. Choose All Open PMs from the drop-down.

3. Find the duplicate PMs. One easy way to do this is to sort by Asset ID and then check compliance dates, etc.

4. Click on the line with the PM you want to delete.

5. The Task loads in the lower panel.

6. Click the Red Circle with the X.

7. Confirm that you want to delete the Task.  Click Yes.

8. A confirmation message will tell you that the Task has been canceled.

9. Assuming that there is just one Task to the WO, both the Task and the Work Order will be canceled.

To Cancel in the Client

From here, if the Work Order should have been marked as Canceled Duplicate, it must be done in the Client at this point.

10. From the Navigation Pane of the Work Module select Planner/Scheduler and click on Planning.

11. Enter the WO number in the search field and hit the green magnifying glass.

12. The record will load.  

13. Change the Status from Open to Canceled.

14. If this is a duplicate, and not to affect your metrics, change the Sub-Status to Duplicate.

15. Press Save.

16. Press F5 to refresh the screen.  Confirm that the task has been Canceled as well.

Please note, you are no longer able to change the Task Status in the client.  This means that you cannot start at the task level and cancel it in the client, and expect that to work.  You have two options:

  1. Cancel the work order and task in the portal and then access it in the client to mark the work order with a sub-status of duplicate.
  2. Change the work order status from open to canceled and mark it with a sub-status of duplicate.  Upon saving, the Task will go to canceled as well.


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