Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
Receiving GNS POs for things like Office Supplies, Maintenance Supplies or Fees are handled differently than Services and Rentals. Services and Rental lines can be received multiple times, and key off the dollars remaining. The other GNS IDs, like the Office Supplies, Maint_Supplies and Fees, all key off quantity and a specific dollar amount for that quantity.
In our example, we have a PO for Lowe's that was entered for Cleaning Supplies for the office.
1. From the Main Menu, go to Inventory > Purchasing > PO GNS Receipt.
2. Enter the PO number in the search and click the green magnifying glass.
3. The PO Category is Supply, but it could be Mixed if it was combined with something other than supplies.
4. The Total Cost is automatically calculated by the system.
5. Click on the Goods and Services Tab. You can see there is a (3) on the tab. This tells you there are three lines.
6. Notice that, unlike Services, there is a quantity greater than one. There is a specific price associated with each line.
7. The Stats in the lines and the header says Posted (highlighted in yellow). This tells you that no receiving has taken place and the PO is in a state where it can be received against.
8. There is a remaining quantity for each line (highlighted in green.) This is another clue that you will be receiving against the quantity.
As always, you will be receiving in the lowest section of the screen!
9. Click NEW.
10. A new line populates with a quantity of 1, the transaction date of today, and the appropriate GL Account Number.
In our example, we want to receive the entire PO, so we will change the quantity to 2.
11. Change the Quantity to 2.
12. You can do the math and enter the total cost or let the system do it for you as shown below.
13. Click SAVE in the header or use CNTL + S. The Quantity remaining goes to 0, and the Status in the Line and the PO goes to Received Partial.
14. Continue to receive the remaining lines. This screenshot shows how the system will correct the Total Cost entry upon saving.
Upon Save, the Total Cost is updated from 2.74 to the correct entry of 5.48.
15. You can, of course, enter receipt notes as with any other PO GNS Receipt.
16. As you can see, the remaining quantity is zero on each line and the Status for each line is Received Partial.
17. As a best practice, check the Events to see if all receipts have successfully integrated to SAP.
You may need to refresh your screen to see the latest events.
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