eFactoryPro Wiki

8.3 SBS - How do I receive a GNS PO for Services or Rentals?

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Step by Step Instructions

1. From the main menu, select Inventory > Purchasing > PO GNS Receipt.

2. Enter the PO ID number in the search text box.

3. Click the green magnifying glass. The PO will load.

If your PO has multiple lines, you will be working with each line individually.

A GNS ID of Services must have a Services Category selected. If there is not a Services Category selected in a Line, you will have to select one before receiving that line.

5. All receiving will be done in the lowest workspace.  

6. Click the New button to add a line.

7. The Quantity Consumed defaults to 1 and should ALWAYS be 1 when consuming Services or Rentals.

NOTE:  There is a validation field when entering a receipt on a SERVICES or RENTAL GNS Line that you will NOT be able to enter a quantity other than one (1).  If you type something different by accident, the system will give you an error and will not allow you to proceed until it is corrected.

8. Enter the amount for this receipt - the dollar figure for this transaction.

9. Enter a Receipt Note containing the Invoice #, your initials, and date of receipt. This field is limited to 40 characters.

10. Click Save in the header or Control+S.  There is no implied Save.  If you do not hit Save, the transaction will not be recorded.

11. The Line Status and PO Status will move to Received Partial.

12. The Services/Rental Remaining Balance will be reduced by the amount of the entry.

13. Repeat steps 6-12 until you have consumed the entire purchase.

14. If you are not going to use the entire amount of the PO, on your last entry, check the Close Short box and Save.

Remember, as long as the PO line is in the Received Partial Status, any mistake that has been made can be corrected by your BUYER.

15. Once you are TOTALLY FINISHED RECEIVING against the PO, click the Close Line button and Save.

16. Clicking Close Line will move the Line Status to Received Full, and if there is only one line on the PO, it will move the PO to Received Full as well.

Once Close Line has been hit and the Line status is in Received Full, the PO must be sent to the Help Desk if any changes need to be made.


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