eFactoryPro Wiki

1.7 If my site's contract requires that I Cycle Count my stock twice a year, how would I get the stock records changed to reflect this in the system?

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Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.

The Cycle Count Frequency is triggered by two fields in the Stock Record: Cycle Count Period and Last Counted Date.

1. The default for Cycle Count Period is 365 - meaning this part will be cycle counted once a year.

2. Some sites contractually have to count their parts more than once a year. If your site needs to count parts twice a year, the cycle count period would need to be 180.

3. Contact your Supply Chain Support Team member and ask to have the Cycle Count Period field adjusted from 365 to 180.

This department has the ability to do an Export/Import of your file records to correct all stock records at once.


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