Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
1. Logistics Manager Template Setup
You can customize a template in the Logistics Manager to save you time from entering your Ship To Place and location on every transaction.
1.1. From the Main Menu, choose Inventory, Logistics > Logistics Manager.
1.2. In our example, we are going to be working in the Misc Adjustment functions from the left had side menu, but you can use this principle anywhere the TEMPLATE button is visible. Click on the function you want to perform from the menu.
1.3. When you first load the Misc Adj screen both the "to" and "from" fields have the ability to be chosen. Once you select the transaction you're performing, the options become narrowed to what is needed for that transaction.
Transfer requires you move a part FROM somewhere TO somewhere.
Issue requires you move a part FROM somewhere
Receipt requires you move a part in TO somewhere.
1.4. Select the Transaction Type. In our example we chose Issue.
1.5. Leave the Part ID blank. This will change with each transaction you do.
1.6. Leave the Quantity blank. This changes with each transaction you do.
1.7. Enter your ST# in the FROM Place ID.
1.8. Enter the location you'll be transferring the parts from. If you have both ATS-owned Parts and Customer-owned parts at your site, it's a good idea to set up separate templates for each.
1.9. Leave the BIN ID blank as this will change each time.
1.10. Click the Green Template ID to Save this search.
1.11. Choose SAVE AS from the drop-down to save the search.
1.12. Type in your Title, starting with your site number.
1.13. NEVER click Make Public. It has been customized for your site.
1.14. Click Save.
You can set up any Template for the transactions you use most in the Logistics Manager. If you make a mistake, simply right click on the saved search and choose DELETE from the menu and start again.
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