Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
In the CLIENT, mandatory fields are noted with a red font and an asterisk after the name.
- This document does NOT show you how to run a Cycle Count, just describes the mandatory fields.
- There are very few fields marked with a red asterisk as "required," but listed below are the best practice mandatory fields in order for your cycle count to run smoothly.
1. Choose "Cycle" from the drop-down arrow.
2. Enter your Place ID - this is your ST#.
3. Select the location you are counting.
- If your site has both ATS and Customer Parts, they should be divided into separate cycle counts.
4. Enter your Count Cutoff Date.
- If you do your cycle counts on a regular basis (weekly, monthly), this will just be the next interval in that cycle.
- Assuming you keep to a regular schedule, the system keeps track of where you are, and you should always have roughly the same amount of parts to count each week/month.
5. Choose "Bin" from the Sort Order drop-down arrow.
- You will be counting parts in a random basis, and choosing the BIN option means you will move in a organized manner from one bin to another.
6. Click Save.
For Instructions on How to run a cycle count, see How to create a Cycle Count?
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