eFactoryPro Wiki

7.1 How do I move ALL of the contents from one bin to another?

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Step by Step Instructions

Only use the "Transfer Bin" adjustment when you want to move all of the contents of the bin to another bin.

If you want to simply move a single part, or a group of parts, but not the entire bin contents, choose "transfer" from the Misc Adj menu instead.

1. Click on Inventory, then Logistics, then Logistics Manager from the Drop-down.

2. Select the Transfer Bin from the menu on the left hand column of the screen.

3. In the Header Area, enter the From Place* (your ST address).

4. Enter the From Location (remember this is who owns the merchandise).

5. Enter the From Bin (this is the bin that you will be removing all the parts from.)

6. Enter the To Place* (This will usually be your ST address unless you’re transferring the parts to another site.)

7. Enter your To Location (This will most often be the same as the location above, as it’s unlikely you are changing ownership.)

8. Enter the To Bin (this is the bin that the parts are going into.)

9. Hit SUBMIT.

10. You’ll receive a message saying stock adjustment complete.


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