Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
In the simplest of terms, when you see the term "Financial Locked," it means that the Purchase Order has been released by accounting to be paid. You have Received it in Full, the Receipt matched the PO amount, the Invoice has been received by our Accounting Department, and now it is in the payment process.
Accounting refers to this as a 3 way match.
- The PO has been received in full.
- The receipt matched the amount of the original PO.
- The Vendor invoiced us for the amount of the original PO.
If all those three conditions are present, and we receive the invoice and submit it for payment, the PO is going to be in Financial Lock. NOTHING ELSE CAN BE DONE TO THIS PO.
- Remember to think of the PO Status and the Receiving Document Status as two entirely different things.
- Each time you go to receive a PO, a new receipt is entered.
- When you hit Post on the Receiving document, you are posting that receipt - so any error messages you receive apply to that receipt going against the PO.
During the Receiving process you received this error. Click OK to get out of the Error Message.
1. From the main menu in the Client, go to Inventory>Purchasing>Purchase Order.
2. Expand the red chevron in the search field and enter the PO ID number. Click the green magnifying glass to bring up the record.
3. The PO loads. Go to the lower tabs.
Your tabs might be in a different order. If you wish to customize the order of your screen tabs, please see the document Client Tips and Tricks.
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