eFactoryPro Wiki

4.19 How can I print out all the steps on a Job Plan/Task Template?

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There are many times that you may want to print out Job Plan/Task Template Steps... Whether it is because you don't have a Task currently generated, or because your customer wants to review a number of Templates to see which one works best for an Operator Performed PM, you have two ways to get to this information:  A - you can print a filtered list from Job Plans in the planner Portal or B - you can run the Task Template Report from the SSRS.

Essential Resources: To complete this training you must have access to eFACTORYPRO.

Option A

1. From the Navigation Pane click on Planner/Scheduler and select Planning.

2. Click on Job Plans.

3. By default, you will see your site's job plans.

4. Click on the funnel icon to access the filters and narrow your selection.

For the purpose of this example, we want to see just the Job Plans that are assigned to the Facilities Team "0493-FAC"

Choose Team ID, Equals 0493-fac and apply/

5. For the purpose of this example, we want to see just the Job Plans that are assigned to the Facilities Team "0493-FAC"Choose Team ID, Equals 0493-fac and apply.

6. The grid filters to show only Job Plans that are assigned to that Team.

7. Click the print icon in the upper right.

8. The selected job plans will print out to the browser. From here, you can download, print to your site printer, etc.

These job plans are from the training site so they are just samples.  We have attached a copy of the output so you can see the difference between how this print option looks vs. the report as shown blow.

Option B

If you are having trouble accessing the report, you can do it by using the Internal ATS reporting server:  https://ssrs-internal.advancedtech.com/Reports.  You must be VPN'd in to access the internal server.

2. This will take you to the ATS Reporting Server Homepage.

3. Click on the folder with the language of reports you want to use.

4. From the list, select the Task Template Report.

5. If you want to add the Report to your favorites, please click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the tile.

6. Click on the Star to Add to Favorites.

Once added to favorites, the report will show up in a special list, and you won't have to search through the folders.

7. The report criteria loads. You have many options for selection.

7.1. The Task Template ID defaults to Null - meaning it will pull back all.  If you want to see a specific id, uncheck the Null checkbox and enter the number.  If you want to see multiple, enter the pipe key | (found right above the enter key) in between the template numbers.

7.2. At a minimum, you must enter one Team Id.  For multiples, use the pipe key.

7.3. Task Category defaults to all.  You have the option of selecting either PM or PdM from the drop-down.

7.4. A number of Task Activity Subtype Options are present.  By default, they will show All, which means they will pull Templates that have the sub-type checked, and templates where it is un-checked.  

7.5. If you are looking for a particular description, you would enter it in this field.

8. Click View Report.

9. You will know that the report is populating when the bar under the parameters populates.

10. To export, click on the floppy disc and choose the format you want to use.

Fields include:

  • Task Template ID
  • Description
  • Team ID
  • Task Type
  • Task Category
  • Vendor Contract Y/N
  • Operator Performed Y/N
  • Safety Y/Y
  • Change Over Y/N
  • Asset Improvement Y/N
  • Step Number
  • Step Name
  • Step Text


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