Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
At any time, you can add or delete equipment from an existing Job Plan. Remember that if you have copied over a Master Job Plan into your site, it will be necessary to edit the plan and add equipment, as Master Job Plans cannot have Equipment added.
You can access the equipment screen straight from the Job Plan Grid by using the three vertical dots and choosing Manage Equipment.
1. In the Planner Portal, find the Job Plan you want to edit.
If necessary, use the filters to locate the Job Plan in question.
Remember, you can always COPY the job plan if you want to keep the original job plan and modify a copy.
How does the Copy Job Plan functionality work in the Planner Portal?
4. The screen is divided into two sections - all of the available site equipment is located on the left, and the equipment that has been added to the template is shown on the right.
5. Click on the funnel to bring up the filters.
- In our example, you can see that CFM512 has been attached to this Job Plan. It is listed under the Selected Equipment and there is a green checkmark in front of the description.
We know that CFM-212 is also at our plant, so we want to search for and add that to this Job Plan.
6. There are a number of ways you can search for the equipment, but we have chosen to use the Asset ID filter and selected Starts with "CFB212".
7. Click Apply to activate the filter.
8. The table will show that CFB212 that is not selected on this Job Plan.
9. Click on the checkbox in front of the line to select the line.
11. The selected line moves over to the right-hand screen.

12. The Save button becomes active. Click that.
If you were to click Return to Grid without hitting Save, the equipment you are trying to add would not be added, as you haven't saved your work.
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