Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
There may be time that you decide that it is easier to create a Job Plan from the "ground up" than to copy an existing plan and modify it. This is especially true if you are creating a "blank" reusable job plan to add to MOTH Work Orders.
To create a new job plan, follow the steps below.
1. Click on the Planner Scheduler Role.
2. Under the Planning screen, go to Job Plans.
5. The header fields are listed.
6. Enter the Category if applicable. Your choices are PM, PD and blank.
Blank is used for MOTH and MRCT Work Order type tasks.
7. Enter the Description. This is a required field.
8. Task Priority defaults to 3-Normal. You can raise or lower if needed.
9. Enter the Team ID. This is a required field.
10. "Add Meter" means that every time this job plan is used, a meter reading will be required on the task.
A meter must be first set up on the equipment record at the site in order for this to work, so most likely, you will leave this defaulting to No for most master job plans, and allow the sites to change it to yes if they so desire.
11. The qualified technician toggle is used when special skills are required to complete the work.
12. The regulatory fields allow you to call out whether this work is governed by Federal, State or Local Law or Permit.
14. Once the header has been created, you can scroll down to create the body of the job plan - beginning with the Steps. At a bare minimum, you will want to include: Pre-task analysis, Safety / LOTO, PM Instructions, Return to Service, and Process Improvement.
In order for a Job to be fully planned, it must have a two or more steps and a duration.
Time and Skills
15. The Header, Steps, Task Duration, and Skillsets are the only REQUIRED fields for a Job Plan. Task Duration can be entered from the Time and Skills Screen.
17. From the Time and Skills Panel you must also add at least one required skillset. Click on the +New Skillset Button.
18. Choose the required skillset. Enter the quantity and the Time for each skillset you add. Be sure to click SET after entering the time.
19. Click Save. A confirmation message appears.
If you are copying a Job Plan from another site, skillsets do not copy over. As they are a required component, you MUST assign skillsets to the Job Plan before assigning the Job Plan to the Task.
Parts can be added to the Job Plan so that they generate when the Task is scheduled. Parts are added to the Job Plan will generate as a staged part.
If parts aren't added when the plan is created, they can always be added later in edit mode, or they can even be added when the site customizes the template!
20. To add a part to a Job Plan, follow the steps below:
20.1. Click Add Part.
20.2. Change the Search to "All Parts"
20.3. Enter your search criteria.
20.4. Click on the box that populates with the part information.
20.5. A second pop-up box populates with the part information on the right.
20.6. The location will populate with your site's default receiving location. This can be changed if needed.
20.7. Enter the quantity needed.
20.8. Enter any comments.
20.9. Click Save.

20.10. The Part is now shown on the Job Plan.
21. You can add an attachment either at the time you create the job plan, or when you are editing it.
21.1. Click Choose File.
21.2. You will be taken to your computer file options. Find the file you want to import. (The file size must be under 20 MB)
21.3. Click Open.
21.4. Enter a description.
21.5. Click Attach File.
21.6. The attachment and description show in the job plan.
21.7. Confirmation messages will tell you when the attachment is uploading, and when it has saved successfully.
21.8. By clicking on the three vertical dots, you can download or delete the saved attachment.
21.9. If you wish to add a second attachment, simply click on Choose File and start the process over again.
21.10. Return to Grid (or clicking the red X in the upper right corner) will take you back to the Job Plan Grid.
Hyperlinks (added 7/21)
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