eFactoryPro Wiki

6.12 Are there CM/FM Troubleshooting Job Plans that I can copy to my site?

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Essential Resources: To complete this training you must have access to eFACTORYPRO.

As we have mentioned before, there are many benefits to assigning a RJP (Reusable Job Plan) to any task in the Planning Wizard that originally generates with zero duration and just one step.

This includes all reactive (CM) Tasks as well as all MOTH (Event, Project, etc.) Tasks and even FM tasks that are in the MPRO Work Order type.

Having an RJP associated with the Task allows the technician to provide feedback, which ultimately lets you build out the job plan even farther, but also it allows the Task to be included in your planned metric.

Keep in mind, a Reusable Job Plans are meant to give you a good head start.

  • 100% of P3, 4, and 5 tasks still need to be field scoped.
  • The items found during field scoping should be added to the tasks after the job plans are added to the tasks.
  • You are not following the WEM process if you are just adding generic reusable job plans without doing anything with them, just to check the box of planning.

A number of Job Plans have been created as a start to let you modify them further as your site needs.  You can copy whichever ones are the most useful down to your site, and can apply them in the Planning Wizard to the appropriate tasks.

Please note, if the Job Plan priority is 1 or 2, you will be allowed to schedule the task in the current week.

Below are the instructions on how to copy the CM/FM Troubleshooting Job Plans to your site.

1. Go to the Planner Portal.

2. Click on Job Plans.

3. Click on the Copy Job Plan Icon.

4. All of the job plans available for the entire company load.

5. Click on the filter icon.

6. In our case, we chose Description "starts with" CM/FM"

7. Hit Apply.

The job plans filter based on your criteria.  In our case, there are almost 530 Job Plans available.  If you want to see the details of a Job Plan, click on the "eye" icon to see the details.  This opens a read-only view, as you are looking at another site's plan.

8. Click on the box in front of the Job Plan to select any you want to copy.

9. Click the Add button to move them over to copy to your site.

It is a good idea to hit the "Add" button periodically, even though the system will keep your selections.

10. Once the job Plans are on the right side, click the Copy as Site job Plan button.

11. A notification message will tell you the new Job Plan numbers.  You can now go edit them for your specific site requirements.


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