Essential Resources: To complete this training you must have access to eFACTORYPRO.
One of the best features in the Planner Module is the ability to copy Job Plans. You have the ability see every Job Plan ever created (both site-specific and master.) You can copy them over to your site and then use them "as is" or modify the specifics to meet your needs.
1. Go to the Planner Scheduler role to enter the Planner Portal.
2. Click on Job Plans.
3. Click on the double plus sign icon. This is how you begin the copy process.
4. The Copy Job Plans screen loads. It takes a few seconds to populate, because it is loading all of the job plans currently in existence.
5. The screen is split in half.
6. On the left side are all the available job plans for you to copy. It is from this side that you will do all the selecting.
7. Please note that the headers listed are Job Plan ID, Site, and Description.
8. The filter or funnel icon is where you begin to narrow your selection. You can do this a number of times until you have selected just the plans you want to copy.
9. In the middle of the screen are the Add and Remove buttons which will allow you to copy the Job Plans to your specific site.
10. Click on the funnel to bring up the table filters. Multiple filters can be applied at the same time.
10.1. The Job Plan ID is a searchable field. Your options are Starts with, Ends with, Equals and Contains.
10.2. Site options are the same: Starts with, Ends with, Equals and Contains. The site number field is a four-digit number.
10.3. Descriptions are the Task Template descriptions. Options are Starts with, Ends with, Equals and Contains. If you wanted to pull all Job Plans related to Cranes, the best choice would most likely be "contains Crane"
You can only copy one field at a time. For example, you cannot combine words (like if you wanted to see all the Quarterly Crane PMs, you could not use Contains with Cranes and Quarterly.) You could, however, combine description of Cranes with a manufacturer or a model filter.
10.4. Master Job Plan allows you the ability to select if you want to see Master Job Plans or not.
10.5. Model is used in a similar capacity. A good example is you just got a new FINNPOWER Punch Press at your site - Model Finnpower Crimping Products (Hydrapower Dynamics Ltd) TRS6SB. You could use the Model filter, and choose Contains and type TRS6SB to see if there are any Job Plans that are associated with that machine
10.6. Another option would be to use the Manufacturer filter and select Starts with Finn, or to use a combination of the two.
10.7. Asset ID would be applicable if you are using site-specific job plans and you want to see plans that you know have equipment tied to them. Filter options include Starts With, Ends with, Equals and Contains.
10.8. Click Apply to execute the search and see your results.
If you want to change the results, you can click the Cancel or Clear buttons.
It is important to understand how the Asset ID, Model and Manufacturer work. Keeping with the example started in 10.6, Site 0493 just got a new Finnpower Crimper. I know that Site 0493 has Grinders so I bring up the filter and enter our examples.
However, because none of the job plans actually have the equipment tied to the Job Plan, if you tried to add a manufacturer field, you will see zero results.
11. Find the Job Plans that you wish to copy and click the checkbox to select.
12. If you wish to copy all of them, you can simply click the "Select All" icon above the Job Plan ID.
In our example, we are going to copy all the ones that say GRINDER in the name from Site 0493.
14. Click the Add button and the selected job plans are moved over to the right panel.
If you decide you don't want to copy one of them, you can simply check the box and choose the remove box to remove it from the list.
15. Click the COPY AS SITE JOB PLAN button to complete the Copy.
17. Confirmation messages tell you that the Job Plans created successfully and gives you the new job plan numbers.
The new Job Plans will be created with your site's default team (the one that ends with -ATS).
If any hyperlinks are attached to the original Job Plan, they will be copied over as well. You can delete them if you do not feel they are applicable to your site.
Please note: If there are parts attached to any of the job plans, they WILL be copied over as Staged Parts, with your site's default receiving location. This can be changed in the editing process.
18. Click OK.
19. You will be returned to the Job Plan Grid (here we filtered by one of our new Job Plans).
20. From here, you can click on the three dot icon to edit the Job Plan, add equipment, add attachments, etc.
Unless you are copying from within your site, skillsets do not copy over, and a required on every Job Plan, so make sure that you choose Edit Job Plan and add the required skillset that is appropriate for your site. If you want the skillsets to copy over it will only happen from copying from one site to the same site.
Example: From 626 to 202 will NOT copy the skill sets. From 493 to 493 WILL copy skillsets.
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