eFactoryPro Wiki

10.13 How can I see Break-in work in the Scheduling function of the Work Module?

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Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.

P1/P2 Break-in Tasks do NOT need to go all the way through the planning process because of  the criticality/priority of the the work.

If you want more information on what constitutes a Break-In Task, click here.

1. From the Navigation Pane, select the Planner/Scheduler section and click on Scheduling .

2. The Daily Capacity view defaults to the current week.  

3. If necessary, use the arrows again to ensure you are working with the proper scheduling period.

4. If you want to see only Techs with an active schedule for this period, slide the toggle over to "Hide Unavailable".

If your customer wants you to do additional work on the machine while it is down, you can also assign P3/4/5 work during daily capacity. However, some criteria still applies:

  • All P3, P4, and P5 tasks should be planned.
  • When P3/4/5 Tasks are assigned in the current week, they will be tagged with a  "Breaks Schedule" flag This will be used for metrics to identify P3/4/5 tasks that are assigned into the current week - as these are really schedule breakers.
  • If the task does not get done during the current week, the flag goes away.

5. You can see the total number of tasks that fit the criteria for scheduling for this week.

6. In the top left, you can see a number of icons.  The icon that represents Break-In work looks like fire.

7. You will also see that same icon on the task panel for any tasks that are considered Break-in Work.

The same coding works with these tiles as any other tiles.  

8. Notice in the Task Tiles on the left hand side of the screen that there are three different configurations.  

Remember, Priority 1 can break the daily schedule, while Priority 2 Work will break the weekly schedule.  If you have time to Plan a P2 Task, you can take the opportunity to do so, but Planning should never hold up the process on Break-in Work.

9. The Task shows a red border on the left side when there are no skillsets or duration assigned. Click on the Task to expand the panel.  If the Task has never had a skillset assigned it can be assigned to anyone.   You can assign it in one of two ways.

Select the Technician and click Assign the same as you would if the skillset was there.

The tile will populate with the Tech name, date, and duration.

Click the X in the upper right corner to collapse the tile.

10. Another option is to choose the Technician and the date straight from the drop down.

A pop-up box comes up.  Choose the Technician and the date.  Click Save.

11. As soon as a Technician is assigned, the left side will go to green.

12. Schedule the Tech to 100% of their available hours.  You can click on the  Expand Button to see all the Tasks that are scheduled for the day.

Using Filters

As we have stated before, Break-in tasks should be worked on the day they are received (for P1) or in the week they are received (for P2).  If you find that you have many P1 & P2 Tasks that are weeks/months old, get with your customer to see if the tasks are still valid.

If the work still needs to be done, it should be moved to the correct priority and scheduled in your planned backlog.  Until this is done, they will continue show up in your queue under the break-in work icon, even if their start date is months old.

13. You can use the Planned Date filter to narrow your selection to just Break-in Tasks that have been created in the last week.

14. Once the Tech has been assigned the work for the day, it will show up on their My Work Page.  Click on the Task Tile to load.

Click on a Task Tile to load the Task from the My Schedule view.

You will not see the icon for "Break-in work", but you can easily see the Priority of the work on the Task Tile and in the Task Summary Page.  

15. As a final note, please make sure your technicians are navigating between their My Work and Task List Screen by using the Navigation Pane on the buttons.  If they use the refresh button or the back arrow, the task may carry over from the task list and not match the ones in the My Work view.


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