Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
Whether you are talking about a Master Job Plan or a Site Job Plan, and referring to creating attachments or editing the attachments that are already present, all of the functionality works for attachments in the Planner Portal works basically the same.
General guidelines to consider:
- Attachments are limited in size to 20mb.
- Use your best judgment with what to attach when uploading attachments: A manual or very large document should be scanned into the knowledge base. A picture of where to locate a hard to find valve might be a worthwhile attachment, or a schematic or picture of the machine setting after PM completion.
- You can only work with (upload/download/delete) one attachment at a time.
- You will need to upload the file attachment from your computer.
- If it is a large attachment, you will have the ability to cancel out of the task during the upload.
1. From Planner Portal, go to Job Plan and find the Plan ID in the job plan grid.
Again, the steps would be the same if you were adding this attachment at the time of Job Plan Creation.
2. Click on the three dots at the end of the line.
4. Click on the Attachments.
4.1. Click Choose File.
4.2. You will be taken to your computer file options. Find the file you want to import. (The file size must be under 20 MB)
4.3. Click Open.
4.4. Enter a description.
4.5. Click Attach File.
4.6. Confirmation messages show in the upper right corner that the attachment is saving, and when it has saved successfully.
4.7. The attachment and description show in the job plan.
4.8. By clicking on the three vertical dots, you can download or delete the saved attachment.
4.9. If you wish to add a second attachment, simply click on Choose File and start the process over again.
As of mid-June 2021, you will also have the ability to add hyperlinks under the attachment tab.
5. At the bottom of the attachment screen and you'll see Links.
6. If there are any links that have been previously attached to the job plan, they will show in the area shaded in blue.
8. Add a title that represents the site.
9. A sample web address is shown for proper formatting.
10. Enter the URL.
11. Click Add.

12. After it has been added, you have the ability to edit or delete the link by clicking on the three dots.
14. If you are going to duplicate a link, the system will give you a warning message.
You can see on the Job Plan below, there is already a link to a Skill Point Short video. We meant to add a second video for reference, but were mistakenly trying to paste the same link as what is already there.
16. Click Cancel to return to the screen.
You COULD add the link and edit it later. It is up to you. From here, you can carry on as usual.
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