Essential Resources: To complete this training you must have access to eFACTORYPRO.
Our developers have created an "Internal" Reporting Server for times when you may be having trouble getting your data to populate using the Reporting functionality in the CLIENT or the SSRS Reporting from the Portal.
There is one vital requirement for using the Internal Reporting Server - You MUST be VPN'd in to use it.
All reports and reporting structures are the same as are available in the standard SSRS Report (as is available from the Links menu in the portal, using the Reports drop-down.) Here is how you access the Internal Reporting server.
1. Ensure you are VPN'd in.
2. Go to your preferred browser and type in this URL:
3. You may be asked to sign in. If so, enter your ATS Username and password and hit the Sign In button.
4. The Internal Reporting Server will load. If you have reports marked as Favorites, that is what you will see first.
These are reports you have "starred" and marked as Favorites.
5. If you do not find the report you are looking for, please click on the Browse tab.
7. The first Tile shows all the available reports in Spanish.
There are 49 Reports currently. If you do not see a report that is available in English, please reach out to your Support staff to see about getting it added.
8. The second Tile shows all the available reports in English.
Currently there are 92 Reports here, but not all tiles are available for use.
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