Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
The printer icon on the Job Plan grid allows you to print the Job Plans currently displayed on the screen. You can use the filter and sort options to customize what will be displayed in the grid, and then hit the printer icon. This ensures that you are only printing the plans that you want (similar to the to the Work Order Print button in the Tech Portal.)
Keep in mind, you will be printing out Job Plans (formerly referred to as Task Templates) and not the actual Task.
If there are no Steps, Parts, Equipment or Attachments, the printout will display a note to that effect.
3. A new browser window opens up with the job plan printout.
There is a page break at the end of each job plan, so each job plan will take up at least one page -- depending on the number of steps.
4. To save as a .pdf or to print, you can use the functionality in your browser. This looks slightly different depending on which browser you are using but all will have some basic similarities. Right click in the document will bring up some options.
5. Select your choice and hit print.
It may be more efficient for you to do the filtering before printing. Again, the print icon will only print the results being displayed in the Job Plan Grid.
6. Click on the Funnel icon to bring up the filter options.
Filter Options Include:
- Master Job Plans: No, Yes, Blank, All (multiple selections allowed) This filter is only visible if you have admin credentials.
- Job Plan ID: Greater than, Less than, Equals (numeric field)
- Task Priority: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (multiple selections allowed)
- Category: Blank, PD, PM, All (multiple selections allowed)
- Description: Starts with, Ends with, Equals, Contains (alpha numeric field)
- Team ID: Starts with, Ends with, Equals, Contains (alpha numeric field)
- Skillset: Select All, Associate Tech, Specialist, Sr. Tech, Tech 1, Tech 2
- Plan Hours: Greater than, Less than, Equals (numeric field)
- Steps: Greater than, Less than, Equals (numeric field)
- Equipment: Starts with, Ends with, Equals, Contains (alpha numeric field)
- Pending Feedback: All, Pending Feedback
7. In the next example, we have set the filters to show only Master Job Plans, for Priority 1, Predictive Work with zero steps.
This example would be applicable if the person creating the Job Plans got pulled away from their work and needed to see where they left off.
Again, you would have to have higher Admin privileges to see the Master Job Plans in this view.
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