Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
One of the best features of the Job Plan Grid in the Planner Portal is how you can customize it to what works best for your particular use. When you first log into the grid, you will see the default settings: this includes column spacing, sorting order, column placement, etc. All of those things can be changed. Keep in mind this is totally separate from the grid filtering that is possible. We touch briefly on filtering at the end of this document and in many future documents.
Most people will NOT see the drop-down allowing them to choose which types of job plans are viewable in the grid.
If you have Admin Rights, you have the option of including master job plans in your view.
Anyone with Supervisor credentials will default to their site job plans on this page.
You have to hover to see the action button (made up of three horizontal lines). Once you actually click on the three lines, you will see that there is actually another set of actions, which we will come to next.
1. For every column, you will see four options: Pin Column (to the right, left, and no pin); auto-size this column, auto-size all columns and reset columns to default.
Auto-size and Reset are self-explanatory. The screenshot below will show you what the Pin option does.
2. The Pinning option works similar to "freezing panes" in Excel. The screenshot below looks at the grid with the first column pinned to the left.
3. Here is what it looks like with the first column pinned to the right.
Some people may prefer it that way as it brings the column where you choose to edit the plan closer to the Job Plan ID.
4. Choosing the four vertical lines will bring up a completely different set of options.
5. Just as an example, let's say the only team you use at your plant is the site default (which is your four-digit site number, followed by -ATS.) In that case, you may want to un-check the Team ID from the list. This removes the Team ID Column from your filter.
Although there is no way to SAVE the layout at this time, that is something our development team is looking into going forward.
6. There are two more things to take into consideration when looking at the Job Plan Grid. The first is sorting. Click next to the column title in the header and the column will sort ascending or descending.
7. The last thing to talk about are the filter options. You get to these by clicking on the funnel.
8. Let's start with basic functionality before going into the specifics of each filter.
A: At the top, you will see a message telling you which Preset you have selected. If necessary you can change that by clicking on the drop-down.
Remember, the present filter will only be visible if you have advanced "Admin" privileges in the system. The majority of users will not see this option, and the default view will be just their site job plans.
B: The Clear button will remove any filters that have been chosen. Clicking the Clear button is often necessary to get back to a "wide-open" grid view.
C: Cancel is the button you will use when you have entered the wrong information in a filter and do not wish to Apply the filter.
D: Apply is the button you will use the most. There is no implied save, so the filter does not apply by just hitting Enter. You must set your filters, and hit apply for the grid changes to take effect.
9. The first filter is for Master Job Plans. As this is a toggle on the screen, the option for NO is really just blank. If you want to see everything (Site and Master, click Select All.) If you want to see Site Only, set your filter as shown in the below screen shot. Master Job Plans only will show when the filter is set to Yes.
10. The second filter is for Job Plan ID. This is a numerical field, so your options are Equals, Greater than or Less than. Simply enter a number and click Apply to bring up the result(s).
11. Task Priority by default brings back All, but if you want to customize it to bring back something else, just change the check-boxes.
12. Category refers to the type of Job Plan being created. By default, the Job plan will pull back all, but you can modify the results to show Blank (any non-MPRO Job Plan), PD (Predictive work), or PM (Preventative Work.)
13. Description is an Alpha/Numeric field. Options include Starts with, Ends With Equals and Contains.
14. Team ID defaults to "Select All" for the site. You can check/uncheck the boxes to the left of the team names to narrow the selection.
15. Skillset allows you to select the required Technician level to perform the job.
16. Duration is a numeric field. Options are Equals, Greater than and Less than.
17. Steps is a numeric field, so options would be Equals, Greater than and Less than.
18. Equipment is an Alpha/Numeric field. Options are Starts with, Ends with, Equals and Contains.
Remember, this filter refers to actual equipment which has been added to the Job Plan. The Job Plan may mention the Equipment's Make or Model in the title, but unless there is equipment added to the job plan, using the equipment filter to search for that equipment will show no results.
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